Blog Website
Catastrophic Forgetting
Continual Learning
- Paper Reading 6 Continual learning LLM2
- Paper Reading 5 Continual learning LLM1
- Paper Reading Note3---Continual Learning in Image Retrieval BCT
- Paper Reading Note3---Continual Learning in Image Retrieval C2LR
- Paper Reading Note3---Continual Learning in Image Retrieval MMD
- Paper Reading 4 Distributed continual learning
- Paper Reading 3 Continual Learning in Image Retrieval-- My summary
- Paper Reading Note2---SDC-ADC-LDC
- Paper Reading Note 1---Learning a Similarity Metric Discriminatively with Application to Face Verification 2005
- Continual Learning 3 Future directions
- Continual Learning 2 methods
- Continual Learning 1 Introduction
Continual learning
- Paper Reading 10 LLM- Continual Learning of Long Topic Sequences in Neural Information Retrieval
- Paper Reading 9 LLM- First-stage Retrieval L2R
- Information Theory --Information content、Entropy, Relative Entropy, Cross Entropy
- Generative AI 03 Diffusion Model
- Generative AI 2 VAE
- Generative AI 01 Introduction
- Ganlecture10 evaluation & concluding remarks
- Ganlecture9 squence generation
- Ganlecture8 intelligent photo editing
- Ganlecture7 feature extraction
- GAN Lecture 6 (2018) GANLecture6 Tips for Improving GAN
- GAN Lecture 5 (2018) General Framework
- GAN Lecture 4 (2018) Basic Theory
- GAN Lecture 3 (2018) Unsupervised Conditional Generation
- GANLecture2 Conditional GAN
- 从统计学理解KL散度 KL divergence
- GAN的后续发展 Wasserstein GAN
- Gan Lecture 1 (2018) 01 Introduction to GAN
- CFR算法的使用 与 石头剪刀布游戏
- CFR算法介绍 CFR
- 扩展型博弈 Extensive Form Games
- 矩阵博弈中的混合策略求解 mixed strategy solution in matrix game
- Paper Reading 12 LLM-IR-Transformer Memory as a Differentiable Search Index(DSI)
- Paper Reading 11 LLM- Studying Catastrophic Forgetting in Neural Ranking Models
- Paper Reading 10 LLM- Continual Learning of Long Topic Sequences in Neural Information Retrieval
- Paper Reading 9 LLM- First-stage Retrieval L2R
- Paper Reading 8 LLM-IR(Information Retrieval)
Image Retrieval
- Paper Reading Note3---Continual Learning in Image Retrieval BCT
- Paper Reading Note3---Continual Learning in Image Retrieval C2LR
- Paper Reading Note3---Continual Learning in Image Retrieval MMD
- Paper Reading 3 Continual Learning in Image Retrieval-- My summary
- Paper Reading 12 LLM-IR-Transformer Memory as a Differentiable Search Index(DSI)
- Paper Reading 11 LLM- Studying Catastrophic Forgetting in Neural Ranking Models
- Paper Reading 10 LLM- Continual Learning of Long Topic Sequences in Neural Information Retrieval
- Paper Reading 9 LLM- First-stage Retrieval L2R
- Paper Reading 8 LLM-IR(Information Retrieval)
- Paper Reading 7 LLM-RAG(Retrieval-Augmented Generation)-survey
- Paper Reading 6 Continual learning LLM2
- Paper Reading 5 Continual learning LLM1
- Note LLM learning
- 数据降维与可视化3 - UAMP
- 数据降维与可视化2 - t-SNE
- 数据降维与可视化1 - PCA 主成分分析
- 泛函分析1 简介
- 集合论3 公理化—罗素悖论到集合的公理化定义
- 集合论2序数—从自然数系统到无穷集合的排序
- 集合论1基数—无穷集合元素的个数
- 测度论
- 概率论、数理统计与信息论
- 最小二乘法
- Activation function
Paper Reading
- Paper Reading 12 LLM-IR-Transformer Memory as a Differentiable Search Index(DSI)
- Paper Reading 11 LLM- Studying Catastrophic Forgetting in Neural Ranking Models
- Paper Reading 10 LLM- Continual Learning of Long Topic Sequences in Neural Information Retrieval
- Paper Reading 9 LLM- First-stage Retrieval L2R
- Paper Reading 8 LLM-IR(Information Retrieval)
- Paper Reading 7 LLM-RAG(Retrieval-Augmented Generation)-survey
- Paper Reading 6 Continual learning LLM2
- Paper Reading 5 Continual learning LLM1
- Paper Reading 4 Distributed continual learning
- Paper Reading 3 Continual Learning in Image Retrieval-- My summary
Paper Reading Note
- Paper Reading Note3---Continual Learning in Image Retrieval BCT
- Paper Reading Note3---Continual Learning in Image Retrieval C2LR
- Paper Reading Note3---Continual Learning in Image Retrieval MMD
- Paper Reading Note2---SDC-ADC-LDC
- Paper Reading Note 1---Learning a Similarity Metric Discriminatively with Application to Face Verification 2005
- 数据降维与可视化3 - UAMP
- 数据降维与可视化2 - t-SNE
- 数据降维与可视化1 - PCA 主成分分析
- 泛函分析1 简介
- 集合论3 公理化—罗素悖论到集合的公理化定义
- 集合论2序数—从自然数系统到无穷集合的排序
- 集合论1基数—无穷集合元素的个数
- 测度论
- 概率论、数理统计与信息论
- 最小二乘法
- Information Theory --Information content、Entropy, Relative Entropy, Cross Entropy
- Activation function
- Generalized linear model GLM——Exponential distribution family
- 从统计学理解KL散度 KL divergence
- 扩展型博弈 Extensive Form Games
- Paper Reading 8 LLM-IR(Information Retrieval)
- Paper Reading 7 LLM-RAG(Retrieval-Augmented Generation)-survey
- Paper Reading 6 Continual learning LLM2
- Note LLM learning
- Continual Learning 3 Future directions
- Continual Learning 2 methods
- Continual Learning 1 Introduction